Musicals That Made Me: Wicked

So for a couple of years, my love for musicals slowed down as far as I remember (with the only exception being High School Musical, which doesn’t really count because what 10 year old in 2006/2007 wasn’t obsessed with those movies?). But then a little show about a green witch came to London and that (along with my discovery of Les Mis a few years later) changed everything.

I’m sure that most of us had a ‘Wicked’ fangirl phase at one point – and mine came about before I’d even seen the show! I don’t remember how long Wicked had been on in London when I first listened to the soundtrack, but without even any context for the story, I knew it was special. And when I finally got to see the show a while later and understand the songs in context, it solidified Wicked’s place as my all-time favourite musical, a position it held until about 2015 when Hamilton started becoming a thing, but that’s another story.

There was just something about the shows’ heartwarming and heartbreaking story and the power of its music, which just got to me. I saw it twice and would listen to the soundtrack endlessly – I don’t even want to think about the damage I probably did to my hearing with the way I used to blast the last minute or so of Defying Gravity, over and over again on my iPod.

All in all, other musicals have been and gone, but Wicked will always hold a special place in my heart.

Are you a fan of Wicked? What musicals got you into musical theatre? Let me know in the comments!

Other articles in this series:

Mary Poppins –

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat –

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang –

And to read more about Wicked, go here:

11 responses to “Musicals That Made Me: Wicked”

  1. Wicked holds a special place in my heart. It sparked my love for musicals. I first saw it on Broadway in 2006 with my mom. I was 12 at the time. However, all I remember was that Popular was my favorite song. Despite not having vivid the impact shows. Wicked was the show where I finally understood what it means to have an emotional connection to characters, what complex plots and characters are, and finally understand the emotional side of musicals. Wicked became my favorite musicals (it still is- Les Mis is tied with it at the current moment).

    I have seen Wicked four times (I already said 1/4- the other 3/4 are on tour). Each time I have seen Wicked, the show gets better. Is still spectacular. Because of Wicked, I have been changed “for good”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wicked really is spectacular! And it’s nice to know that other people have similar nostalgia – Wicked and Les Mis will always be special to me for those reasons 💜


      1. My mom always says you know what you are favorite musical is- you are just afraid to admit it. I do have an obsession with Les Mis, and do know more about it than Wicked so it seems like it should be on top. But they are tied for a reason.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m in a bit of a similar situation to be honest – I love so many musicals that I can’t really pick a favourite!


      3. I love a number as well.

        It is just I feel like without Wicked and Les Mis- I wouldn’t me a musical theatre fanatic. Les Mis showed me a side to musicals I thought was impossible.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. To be honest, I feel the same way


      5. Wicked started everything- I don’t think Les Mis would have entered my life without Wicked (I believe)

        Before Les Mis- there were things I believed that Les Mis was going to disprove

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with ya, i love musicals. The grand endings always make me cry when they come together, it’s like falling in love! I’ve seen wicked in detroit, stomp, phantom a few times, billy elliott, mary poppins… i could go on and on! and every time i feel like i rediscover a part of myself. and i did like HSM, too, at 24 years old! Not the sequals, though. but kenny ortega is a genius, even in the music video world!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those are some brilliant shows! And I feel the same way too


  3. Wicked is my absolute favourite I really must go an see it again. I am also dying to see the lion king – I really need to book a trip to the theatre lol.

    Jo xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Lion Ling is brilliant too!


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