Bat Out Of Hell at MK Theatre: A Review

Bat Out of Hell might seem fairly abstract at first glance (the opening seems especially bewildering) but the blast of energy from both the rocking tunes and the cast, as well as the clever story and set, make it an enjoyable show overall.

I feel like you really have to figure out what it’s doing with the Peter Pan story to “get it”, otherwise it seems a bit bizarre.

In a grungy, tech-infused dystopia, a group called The Lost are frozen at 18 forever – but what happens when Raven, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, wants to join them?

Using the music of the iconic Meatloaf album of the same name to tell a Peter-Pan inspired story, it reflects the themes of the music very well, utilizing its source material.

The show is also brought to life by its wonderful cast, with some of the stand out performances including Glenn Adamson as Strat, Martha Kirby as Raven, Jamie Jukes as Falco, Laura Johnson as Sloane and Killian Thomas Lefevre as Tink.

Especially vocally I could mention anyone from the cast as outstanding and it feels like everyone gets a moment to shine at some point.

As I previously mentioned the set is also impressive, with a clever use of effects lights, sets and video screens – and the choreography also brings the music to life with fantastic energy.

In the end, it all comes together to create a huge spectacle worthy of Meatloaf and Jim Steinman.

Bat Out of Hell is on at MK Theatre until Saturday 25th of June – more information on tickets are available here:

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